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News and Media


Information, news, media and updates about medical cannabis in Queensland, Australia and overseas, the Medical Cannabis Advisory Group monthly newletters with information about medical cannabis and our campaigns for patients health rights and medical cannabis health and law reform in Queensland and more.




Brief updates on medical cannabis in Queensland and Australia for patients, carers and health professionals and information relating to changes to Federal laws and State Health Regulations, SAS approval processes, suppliers, research trials and more. 

News articles and information about medical cannabis in Queensland and your way to stay up to date with the latest developments and events on medical cannabis in Queensland. Queensland patients, carers, and doctors now have access to cannabis in the state, but significant challenges with local supply and protection for those growing their own still remain. Learn more about what is happening in Queensland and how you can participate.


The Medical Cannabis Advisory Group monthly newsletters contain Information and news about medical cannabis and our campaigns at a State and Federal level advocating for patients health rights, amendments to the State Health Regulations for medical cannabis law reform in Queensland and more.


The Medical Cannabis Advisory raising awareness in the media and community through personal stories from patients and carers and information about the benefits and uses of medical cannabis, our campaigns and advocacy for patients health rights and medical cannabis health and law reform in Queensland.  

The media have a responsibility to disseminate accurate, reliable, transparent and "necessary" information about medical cannabis. In Australian there are broadcast Regulations and press standards and principles including community access to information of public interest, freedom of expression through the media and complaints about Australian newspapers, magazines and associated digital outlets.  



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Medical Cannabis Advisory Group


Contact Us
P.O. Box 77

Fortitude Valley Qld 4006

© 2017 by Medical Cannabis Advisory Group Queensland.



All material on the Medical Cannabis Advisory Group Queensland website and related information and links to other websites and resources is intended as an information source only and is not intended as medical,  legal or other professional advice. The Medical Cananbis Advisory Group Queensland makes no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information contained on the Medical Cannabis Advisory Group Queensland website or any other related information.  The Medical Cannabis Advisory Group Queensland disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation for liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason reliance was placed on such information.


Please do your own research as well as consult with your own doctor, pharmacist, lawyer, the Therapeutic Goods Administration and other Commonwealth agencies such as Customs as well as your relevant State/Territory agencies and authorities.  Please read our full disclaimer here.

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