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Everyone is welcome to come along to give their support to patients and carers who are suffering and being adversely affected by the criminal laws and the current medical cannabis health laws. 


How you Can Help  


* Invite Everyone: Please invite all your friends, family, work colleagues via phone, email, and social media such as Facebook

and Twitter.


* MCAG Facebook Event

Register to come to the event and Share our Facebook event post to friends and family

and anyone interested in the cannabis issue. Below is the link to our facebook event. 


Facebook Event Post 



* Rally and March Poster

Share and pin up the Rally poster on your

local community notice boards and distribute in your local neighbourhood. You can download the poster here. 


Download Poster PDF



Make a Donation to MCAG 


You can also help by giving a small donation to  help go towards the costs of promoting the Rally on Facebook and Twitter and in the media. Please visit our website for details of the MCAG's Pay Pal account and Westpac Bank account. Any remaining monies will go towards future campaigns.


Donate Here: Pay Pal and Bank Details 


* Help on the Day 


We still need some more marshalls for the March. If you would like to help please give us a call on 0418 521 296.  


* Please come to the Rally and bring along a friend or family member. 


Important: About the Rally and March


This is a peaceful and respectful Rally and March with the focus on the patients and carers and the adverse impact of the 

criminal drug laws on our health and well being, family, other relationships, employment, education, housing, driving, travel etc, and the difficulties that patients

are having trying to access the TGA manufactured products because of bureaucratic interference and excessive red tape and discriminatory public hospital policies.  


SOFT Banners and Placards 


Please only bring respectful placards and banners with your message focused on patients, carers, cannabis as medicine and the criminal laws and law reform issues.


Non Commercial and Non Political


Please do not bring posters that criticise, defame, target or promote any commerical entity or individual politican or political party. 





We want cannabis to be an election issue and with the focus on the patients and carers.


We want to raise the awareness of the issues that are causing harm and detriment to patients and carers.  


We want to send a clear message to all politicians and candidates that we want bi partisan support when need and for the incoming Government and new Queensland Parliament to treat cannabis that is grown, possessed or supplied for medical purposes as a Health Issue and NOT as a criminal issue.


We want the incoming Government to undertake the following as a matter of urgency and in an expeditious manner: 


** STOP the raids, arrests and prosecution of all patients and carers who are growing, producing, or possessing their own cannabis.


**STOP the arrests of carers and parents and the intervention of child services against patients supplying cannabis to their children. 


** Removal of all criminal sanctions and penalties for cannabis from under the Drugs Misuse Act, when the cannabis is cultivated, produced, possessed or supplied for medical purposes.


** Introduce legislation that provides for a patient register and provisions that give full legal protection for patients to grow their 

own cannabis and make their own oils, or

for a patient who can't grow for themselves provisions for the patient to designate a



** Introduce legislation that provides full

legal protection for patients and carers who are obtaining their cannabis from the black market.


** Allow access to testing labs so patients

can have their own cannabis and oils tested for a small fee.


** Introduce legislation that provides for Queensland registered not profit incorporated associations or patient co-operatives to be granted authorisations or approvals to cultivate and produce cannabis and cannabis products to minimum state health and safety standards as an alternative and more accessible and affordable supply

as opposed to the Federal Government's 

expensive and hard to access TGA manufactured cannabis products.


** Change the Epdiolex/CBD only policy at

the Lady Cilento Children's Hospital and

other public hospitals and ensure that 

children can access THC products, and

adults can access cannabis, THC and CBD products.


 ** Ensure that all public hospitals in Queensland have adequate funding to subsidise unregistered cannabis products through the individual patient approval scheme.


** Amendment of the current medical cannabis legislation to remove the 

discriminatory and bureacratic barriers that are restricting and delaying patient access to the TGA imported cannabis products and to the locally manufactured TGA products when they become available. 


** We want patient advocates to be

appointed to a Government advisory panel.  

Medical Cannabis Advisory Group


Contact Us
P.O. Box 77

Fortitude Valley Qld 4006

© 2017 by Medical Cannabis Advisory Group Queensland.



All material on the Medical Cannabis Advisory Group Queensland website and related information and links to other websites and resources is intended as an information source only and is not intended as medical,  legal or other professional advice. The Medical Cananbis Advisory Group Queensland makes no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information contained on the Medical Cannabis Advisory Group Queensland website or any other related information.  The Medical Cannabis Advisory Group Queensland disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation for liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason reliance was placed on such information.


Please do your own research as well as consult with your own doctor, pharmacist, lawyer, the Therapeutic Goods Administration and other Commonwealth agencies such as Customs as well as your relevant State/Territory agencies and authorities.  Please read our full disclaimer here.

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