Proposal: Medical Cannabis Law Reform
Stage One: Amnesty and Interim Measures
For the first time ever, Queensland has a patient focused and driven proposal for medical cannabis law reform in Queensland.
On 19 May 2015 members of our group met with Mike Meurer, Chief Advisor to the Minister for Health to present our proposal for cannabis for medical purposes law reform in Queensland. We have also been petitioning for changes since March 2015.
Our proposal has been before the Premier and Cabinet who have recently amended State Health Regulation 270A of the Health (Drugs and Poisons) Regulation 1996 to allow for lawful access to schedule 9 cannabis.
Other changes made in line with our proposal have been to include nabiximols in the Health Regulations but these changes don't go far enough.
Our proposal also sets out some clear guidelines for an amnesty program that could be introduced in Queensland as a basis for a statewide medical cannabis program as well as interim measures and the regulation of a cannabis industry in Queensland.
After recent meetings and developments at a Federal and State level we are hoping that the Queensland Labor Government will make further changes to include the cutlivation of cannabis and introduce a State program rather than waiting for the outcomes of unnecessary research trials or complex federal legislation.
There are already regulations for manufacturer licences, packaging and labelling, monitoring and enforcement which could be used. Existing powers in the States Health Act 1937 could be used to make any further regulations deemed necessary in relation to health and safety standards for a statewide medical cannabis program.
As Queensland along with Western Australia did not adopt the Commonwealth Therapeutic Goods Act, Queensland could potentially grant approvals to not for profits as well as Queensland registered cannabis businesses.
Health and safety and quality standards specific to cannabis can also be introduced as well training and support services.
A number of provisions could also be changed in the industrial cannabis part of the Drugs Misuse Act to allow for the cultivation of cannabis with a content higher than 1% and the production of cannabis products for human consumption. However this may need to go to Parliament which will take time and any trade would need to be within Queensland until the Commonwealth laws were changed.
Our proposal's not perfect but it puts patients before profits and aims to protect them from the black market profiteers as well as giving them protection from criminal prosecution. Most importantly it will bring all patients under the health regulations and their own doctor and allows patients and carers the opportunity to set up a patient focused cannabis program and not for profits that can meet the individual and specific needs of the patient.
It also aims to ensure that the needs and circumstances of all patients are met regardless of age, medical condition, disability or socio-economic background and gives farmers and small businesses the opportunity to become established.
There are also a number of other interim measures that could be put in place to help patients who need urgent lawful access now such as funding for products through the Commonwealth Special Access Scheme as cannabis, cannabis resin and cannabinoids (unapproved or unregistered medicines) can be lawfully imported into Australia or obtained from Australian licenced companies.
We look forward to you joining us to help bring about the changes that are needed in Queensland to ensure that the health and human rights of the patients are put first and that no patient is left behind.
Thank you from the Medical Cannabis Advisory Group